Developing a personal vision for ministry | | |
Developing leadership | | |
Establishing a vision | | |
Conducting a youth ministry service | | |
Establishing community and ministerial relationships | | |
Conducting a children’s ministry service | | |
Establishing evangelism methods | | |
Preparing and delivering sermons | | |
Establishing church outreaches | | |
Biblical Teaching on: Communion, water baptism, and footwashing | | |
Church Planting | | |
Planning a wedding and/or funeral | | |
Planning and conducting services for special days | | |
Planning and serving in special events, such as baby dedications and church dedications | | |
Cross-cultural ministries | | |
Conducting hospital ministry | | |
Preparing for worship services | | |
The process and referral for Counseling laity | | |
Conducting Church Meetings | | |
Ministering in crisis situations | | |
Understanding a church budget | | |
Conducting benevolence ministries | | |
Knowing the role of the church treasurer and church trustees | | |
Building church membership | | |
Participating in discipleship through groups, like men’s ministry, women’s ministry, and small groups | | |
Maintaining church facilities | | |
Understanding the importance of recruiting, training, and maintaining church leaders and volunteers | | |
Understanding legal, safety, and security issues | | |
Discipleship throughBible studies, Sunday school or small groups | | |