This form will be sent to your State/Regional Office, the International Offices, and a copy will be sent to your email.Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Mentoring Pastor's NameMentoring Pastor's Email Ministerial File#CAMS for Students Applicant’s NameSupervising ChurchDescribe your relationship with the applicant:Did you give the applicant a monthly assignment sheet? Yes No Did you meet this month with the applicant? Yes No Other Identify the assignments completed this month.Local Church AssignmentsNumber of Weeks Served Add RemoveIdentify the assignments completed this month.Community Outreach AssignmentsNumber of Events Add RemoveAssess the applicant’s in the following areas:Name other ministry topics discussed this month:List knowledge and skills the applicant may have acquired this month:Indicate areas where the candidate needs improvement:Inform the CAMS for Students state coordinator if the applicant has special issues that need to be addressed by the coordinator.Name of State/Regional Office(Required)— Select a State/Region —AlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasBahamas-Turks IslandCalifornia/NevadaCanada (Ontario)Canada (Quebec/Maritimes)Canada (Western)DelmarvaEast Central Hispanic RegionFlorida (Cocoa)Florida (Tampa)Georgia (North)Georgia (South)Great Lakes RegionGrenadaGulf Rio Grande Hispanic RegionHawaiiHeartland RegionIllinoisIndianaIndonesianKentuckyLouisianaMichiganMid-Atlantic HispanicMidland RegionMinistry to the Military (MTTM)MinnesotaMississippiMissouriNew England (Hispanic)New England (Northern)New England (Southern)New JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNew York CityNorth Carolina (Eastern)North Carolina (Western)North Central RegionNorth Central Hispanic RegionNortheastern Hispanic RegionNorthwestern Hispanic RegionOhioPacific NorthwestPennsylvaniaPortugueseRocky Mountain RegionRomanian TerritorySouth CarolinaSouth Central Hispanic RegionSoutheastern Hispanic RegionSouthwestern Hispanic RegionSouthwest Indian MinistriesTennesseeTexasTrinidadVirginiaWest VirginiaConfirm(Required) I have completed this form to the best of my ability. PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.